Memory Lane
- Musical nostalgia
- Fads from times gone by
- Great with all ages
- Hilarious finale
If you’re looking for an activity that engages a group with a wide age range, you need look no further. Memory Lane offers real fun team building. It has nostalgia and belly-laughter for everyone – from the youngest to the oldest.
Stimulating great old memories, the best part is that Memory Lane will create brand new memories that people will savour for years to come.
Fun team building with music & fads from back in the day
For every decade, teams select a group of pop artists and rise or fall with their fortunes in the charts. At the same time, teams also get to tackle many of the great (and some less great!) fads you’ll remember doing “back in the day”.
- Bowl down our 1950s skittle alleys
- Bounce to victory on our space hoppers
- Enter the Pacman challenge
- Sing Angels along with Robbie
- Take the team Macarena challenge
- Enter the fastest texter competition
- Join in or just watch the air guitar finale!
We like to think that all of our options are fun. Memory Lane tops that particular list though. People of all ages get to revisit their youth and every age group can indulge in fun team building that suits them!
Just about everyone enjoys tackling fads from across the years, though. Even if they were popular years before they were born. For example, our authentic 1950s-style skittle alleys are always loved by all. And everyone, without exception, joins in our singalong with Robbie and "Angels".
Fun team building at it’s very best!

- Size: From 6 people up - no upper limit
- Time: From 2 hours to a day
- Venue: Completely mobile, can run entirely indoors but can also take advantage of venue grounds and good weather, requires extra space for physical activities