Vision Idol
- Tailored to your requirements
- Fits all event themes
- Superb props
- Hilarious finale
We’re often asked if we can help put across corporate messages in a way that all staff can understand. Our answer is usually the same. Let them do it for themselves. It’s a flexible and tailored team building option that really delivers!
It is always more powerful if people are involved in developing their own understanding. It is more powerful still if they enjoy the process. That’s what we call team building! And that is where Vision Idol comes in.
Your group, your theme - tailored team building
We organise your group into creative teams. We supply each team with a camera and a brief to create an image or series of images that reflect one or more of your key messages. We then add to the mix some “interesting” materials and props to use as they see fit.
- X Factor style judges love "hamming" it up!
- Fancy dress abounds as teams create their images
- Celebrity cameos from our fabulous cardboard cut-outs – expect Buffy, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and Arnie to be among the favourites here
- Finish on a brilliant high as your judges’ comments are mixed with our own presenter’s cutting delivery!
Vision Idol is infinitely flexible time-wise too. It can be run in one discrete block or spread over an agenda to energise a group between business sessions.
Our materials and props encouraging much dressing up and the celebrity cardboard cut-outs help provide many great photos for everyone to enjoy. The tailored team building nature of the activity ensures that you can focus on the key messages you want the group to take away. And the fun finale as judges consider the entires and choose the winner ensures everyone goes leaves with smiles on their faces!

- Size: From 6 people up - no upper limit
- Time: From 45 minutes to a day
- Venue: Completely mobile, can run entirely indoors but can also take advantage of venue grounds, general location and good weather